Document Scanning
Southfield MI

Are you looking for secure document scanning in Southfield MI?
Corrigan Record Storage is a full-service provider of information management services to help your company or community organization get a handle on unnecessary photocopies, hours spent looking for files, and most importantly—protect your valuable information.
You may have already taken steps to preserve and store information electronically; however, scanning documents into your Windows Directory and using basic cloud-based storage will not keep your information secure and keep you compliant. Using this method to digitally manage your documents will not provide a searchable index, or unauthorized access to records. With a professional digital document scanning service, an electronic record is created with the scanned document that shows every instance of every retrieval, printing, emailing, editing or deletion of a document.
With our document scanning services, we can transform any hard copy file, chart, image, or document into an efficiently stored digital file that helps you reduce costs through streamlining processes. Our state-of-the-art document scanners can create a digital copy that leaves your originals safe from damage. Documents, blueprints, images and charts up to 36″ wide are no problem for our large-format digital scanners. Our professionally trained staff will scan each of your files and visually inspect them for quality—giving you the peace of mind that comes from security.
Corrigan Record Storage proudly offers professional document scanning services in Southfield, Michigan.
Corrigan Record Storage is pleased to offer reliable, affordable document scanning services in Southfield, Michigan. Southfield makes the most of its ideal location in the center of the Metro Detroit area. With more than 27 million square feet of office space featuring the “Golden Triangle” of skyscrapers that comprise the Southfield Town Center. Southfield is home to more than 70,000 full-time residents, and a daytime population that is nearing 175,000. With over one hundred Fortune 500 companies doing business in this northern suburb, and so many Detroiters coming into the city to take advantage of the extensive opportunities, Southfield is truly one of the the business centers of Michigan. No matter how you do business and use information in the city of Southfield, digital document scanning services from Corrigan Record Storage will help you do business smarter and remain more compliant with information governance.

If you are in the Metro Detroit area and looking for document scanning Southfield MI, then please call 248.344.9185

We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID)
As AAA certified member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), our facility undergoes several unscheduled inspections each year, ensuring compliance throughout the life of your documents. provide destruction certificates to every customer.

We Offer Secure Solutions For Your Document Shredding and Records Management Needs.