Document Scanning
Westland MI

Are you looking for secure document scanning in Westland MI?
Corrigan Record Storage has been in the business of helping commercial entities, church and civic groups, and private individuals securely manage their records and information for more than 30 years. We take great pride in serving the information management needs of the community, and understand the value of the information you place in our care. As technology advances, the daily operations in most offices grow ever more complex. Businesses run on information, so it’s important to be able to access, use, and protect your data. With document scanning services from Corrigan Record Storage, you can get a handle on your records while still providing accessibility and security. Our specially-trained staff will efficiently transform your hard copy originals into digital files using state-of-the-art digital document scanners. Eliminate unnecessary photocopies that can be lost or stolen, and protect your originals from damage or loss. We use large-format printers to professionally scan any blueprints, technical drawings, schematics, images, or documents up to 36” wide. We visually inspect every scanned document prior to delivering it to you, because quality matters to us. Once your files have been converted, store them securely in our cloud, and use your information anywhere you have an internet signal. Our secure cloud relies on fully redundant connectivity, secure socket layer (SSL), and security that meets the highest standards.
Corrigan Record Storage proudly offers professional document scanning services in Westland, Michigan.
Corrigan Record Storage proudly serves the document scanning needs of Westland. Westland, Michigan lies 16 miles west of Detroit and has grown to be the state’s tenth largest city and home to more than 84,000 Metro Detroiters. The business landscape in Westland is vast and diverse, with businesses representing the service industry, as well as health care providers, accountants and other financial services providers, private investigators, automotive sales and repair, home improvement and construction companies, banks, bowling alleys, and banquet centers. As varied as businesses in Westland may be, they all share a common challenge—information management.

If you are in the Metro Detroit area and looking for document scanning Westland MI, then please call 248.344.9185

We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID)
As AAA certified member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), our facility undergoes several unscheduled inspections each year, ensuring compliance throughout the life of your documents. provide destruction certificates to every customer.

We Offer Secure Solutions For Your Document Shredding and Records Management Needs.