Secure Shredding Services Farmington Hills MI

Are you looking for secure shredding in Farmington Hills MI?
In Farmington Hills, Michigan, like many Metro Detroit suburbs, the business landscape is well represented by the automotive and health care industries. At the Nissan Technical Center in Farmington Hills, engineers and researchers strive to develop the next generation of fuel cell technology and advance automotive design. In a competitive market where success can hinge on the next new product, steps must be taken to ensure that confidential files containing sensitive research and development information don’t fall prey to theft, sale or misuse. At Farmington Hills‘ Botsford Hospital, aspiring osteopathic physicians seek training through the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. On every shift, clinical and teaching staff encounters confidential patient and student information that must be managed in compliance with privacy regulations. Like every business, these industries also process and store personnel files, purchasing and financial records, insurance documents, bank and credit statements, and electronic backup media. For each type of sensitive information, there are guidelines detailing how long files are to be kept. Far too often, a great deal of emphasis is placed on storage and maintenance, while not giving much attention to what happens to files and records when they no longer need to be kept.
By properly securing and destroying files and documents that are no longer necessary, businesses protect themselves by controlling who sees vital operational details, but you also protect the personal information of both customers and employees. Identity theft is among the fastest growing crimes in the United States, and a thief can glean a wealth of information if old files are not appropriately destroyed. At Corrigan Record Storage, our secure, plant-based document and hard drive shredding services ensure that your records stay private until they are destroyed in our monitored facility. We offer locked bins in multiple sizes to accommodate any volume of material, and rotate bins on a schedule that works best with the way you do. We understand the importance of protecting your information. We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruct, and adhere to the highest industry standards. Contact Corrigan Record Storage today to learn more about convenient, affordable, secure document shredding.
Corrigan Record Storage is proud to offer exceptionally secure shredding services to businesses and professionals in Farmington Hills, MI, who are looking for reliable and affordable information management services.
Corrigan Record Storage has 25 years of experience in maintaining, storing and shredding of company documents. We are an environmentally conscience company and recycle all shredded material. We are happy to pick up your documents at your location and can offer plans that keep up with you growing business needs. We understand confidentiality is critical, and we have comprehensive security infrastructure, certifications and procedures in place to ensure that every file that enters our facilities is protected. We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) and provide destruction certificates to every customer. Click here to verify our certification.

If you are in the Metro Detroit area and looking for secure shredding services in Farmington Hills MI, then please call 248.344.9185

We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID)
As AAA certified member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), our facility undergoes several unscheduled inspections each year, ensuring compliance throughout the life of your documents. provide destruction certificates to every customer.

We Offer Secure Solutions For Your Document Shredding and Records Management Needs.