Secure Shredding Services Madison Heights MI

Are you looking for secure shredding in Madison Heights MI?
The restaurant business in Madison Heights, Michigan is a rainbow of diversity. Throughout the city, diners in Madison Heights can choose from a fantastic assortment of ethnic and traditional American cuisine. With such a fantastic array of Thai, Mexican, sushi, Greek, Italian, Vietnamese, brunch and pizza places in the city, competition for diners can be heated. In city with a saturated restaurant market, workers in the labor pool often move from one restaurant to another. In this business environment, it is important to protect your proprietary business information from unauthorized access from the moment a record or document is generated until it is no longer necessary and is sent for disposal. Tossing out old business documents in trashcans and dumpsters makes purchase orders for ingredients, copies of recipes, employee records and financial information available to unhappy current or former employees, or competitors who are looking to increase their share of the market. When it’s time to dispose of old employee records and worn copies of recipes and suppliers, your best bet is to dispose of these documents in a locked bin and have them professionally shredded.
Corrigan Record Storage is proud to offer exceptionally secure shredding services to businesses and professionals in Madison Heights, MI, who are looking for reliable and affordable information management services.
At Corrigan Record Storage, we offer secure, plant-based shredding of physical files, receipts, utility bills, and documents of any kind. To serve the changing needs of paperless offices, we also offer full disassembly and destruction of old hard drives and storage and backup media. Choose from our selection of locking bins that will be rotated on a schedule that best fits your needs. Your bin will be transported by our uniformed staff to our locked and monitored facility for secure destruction. We are dedicated to keeping the highest industry standards and maintaining 100% compliance with HIPAA. We proudly hold accreditation by the National Association for Information Destruction. Click here to verify our certification. To keep this distinction, our facility undergoes unscheduled inspections of our shredding methods and security measures. We understand the changing needs of growing businesses. Let us be your partner in record management and secure information destruction; peace of mind is convenient, flexible and affordable.

If you are in the Metro Detroit area and looking for secure shredding services in Madison Heights MI, then please call 248.344.9185

We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID)
As AAA certified member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), our facility undergoes several unscheduled inspections each year, ensuring compliance throughout the life of your documents. provide destruction certificates to every customer.

We Offer Secure Solutions For Your Document Shredding and Records Management Needs.