Secure Shredding Services Sterling Heights MI

Are you looking for secure shredding in Sterling Heights MI?
Sterling Heights, Michigan is the second largest city located within Metro Detroit where hundreds of businesses prosper in a growing community. Sterling Heights has a very active Chamber of Commerce which is a tremendous resource for businesses to market and network. The chamber’s mission is to create relationships that are long lasting and benefit the business owners in Sterling Heights. Business owners benefit from the support and backing the chamber provides the satisfaction of working together as business owners to enhance the economic and cultural aspects of the city in which they reside. The Sterling Heights Chamber, along with its members, advocates for the cities overall welfare by holding many community events throughout the year. By advocating for highway development, new businesses, residential and office construction, the chamber helps increase the opportunity for existing businesses to thrive while attracting new businesses to the city. Today, there are over 2,000 businesses located in Sterling Heights.
With business growth and expansion, comes a lot of things business owners need to consider. Being a part of a chamber is a great resource for business owners. Corrigan Record Storage offers a valuable and much needed service to business owners in Sterling Heights, when it comes to managing, storing and destroying of sensitive materials. A business may have hundreds of employee records that either need to be destroyed or stored in a secure manner. It’s no longer safe in these litigious times to simply store private information in a file cabinet in an unsecured room. That goes for other information too, such as tax records, client information, business plans and financial statements. Businesses accumulate large amounts of classified material over time in the form of hard copy as well as digital media. Privacy of information is regulated by laws in cases like medical records and employee records, but employers also have a moral responsibility to maintaining the privacy of their employees. Company records should also be kept secure to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands including that of your competitors. Corrigan Record Storage offers shredding options for both hard copy material as well as digital media. Contents of a hard drive can’t be just erased; the actual hard drive must be shredded completely to destroy files. For company files that need to be stored, our secure and climate controlled facilities give business owners peace of mind knowing their documents are safe as well as retaining 24 hour access to them if needed.
When you own a business there is nothing more important than your success. Thankfully, at Corrigan Record Storage, your success is our success. In order to boost your productivity and remain compliant with the various HIPAA, FACTA, and other Federal Privacy Act guidelines and regulations, you need our secure shredding and other document management and retention services. Our secure shredding services provide you with all the freedom you need to effectively destroy unnecessary documents, hard drives, and even complete processing units whenever and from wherever you need it. We offer customizable storage to shred solutions, as well as one-time shredding packages and rotating schedules to give you complete control over your assets. Our secure shredding is done off-site in our specially designed facility to guarantee security, much like our locking shred bins (available in 65 and 95 gallons), that keep your information safe during transit between establishments. Our secure shredding is the best in the industry, but that isn’t the only reason you should trust Corrigan Record Storage. With our secure shredding alone, we are able to save more than 2,300 trees a month through our recycling efforts. For your secure shredding needs, or any other business needs, trust the experts at Corrigan Record Storage.
Corrigan Record Storage is proud to offer exceptionally secure shredding services to businesses and professionals in Sterling Heights, MI, who are looking for reliable and affordable information management services.
Corrigan Record Storage has 25 years of experience in maintaining, storing and shredding of company documents. We are an environmentally conscience company and recycle all shredded material. We are happy to pick up your documents at your location and can offer plans that keep up with you growing business needs. We understand confidentiality is critical, and we have comprehensive security infrastructure, certifications and procedures in place to ensure that every file that enters our facilities is protected. We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) and provide destruction certificates to every customer. Click here to verify our certification.
Corrigan Record Storage is proud to offer exceptionally secure shredding services to businesses and professionals in Sterling Heights, MI, who are looking for reliable and affordable information management services. With an impressive population of nearly 130,000 residents in less than 40 square miles, the city of Sterling Heights, in Macomb County, is recognized as one of Detroit’s staple suburbs. There are many remarkable qualities of Sterling Heights that make it an incredible community to live, work, and play in. One being that despite the fact that Sterling Heights ranks second as largest suburb in Metro Detroit and fourth of all cities in Michigan, it is able to maintain it’s status as the safest city in the entire state. However, aside from just its charming upscale lifestyle, Sterling Heights also ensures that its beauty is always upheld and its residents are always entertained. Tourists come from near and far to partake with residents in the annual Sterlingfest, a true Sterling Heights tradition, and there are a number of community projects and efforts in place to ensure the community’s excellence. The Sterling Height’s Cultural Commission, the Sterling Height’s Library, and the Sterling Height’s Community Foundation in particular work especially hard to preserve the arts through numerous public art and sculpture installations and beautification projects. If you own a business and need to preserve your success the way that the community of Sterling Heights continues to, contact Corrigan Record Storage today for more information about our secure shredding and other professional information management services.

If you are in the Metro Detroit area and looking for secure shredding services in Sterling Heights MI, then please call 248.344.9185

We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID)
As AAA certified member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), our facility undergoes several unscheduled inspections each year, ensuring compliance throughout the life of your documents. provide destruction certificates to every customer.

We Offer Secure Solutions For Your Document Shredding and Records Management Needs.