Secure Shredding Services Westland MI

Are you looking for secure shredding in Westland MI?
The city of Westland is bustling with retail centers, residential communities, engineering services and industrial manufacturing. At Magnum Manufacturing in Westland, a team of engineering professionals provide technical support in the development of products for a wide variety of clients. Individuals and organizations that turn to independent engineering and prototyping facilities trust that their proprietary information on products and operation will be held in strict confidence. In the management of client records and product information, it is essential that confidentiality be maintained, and when the information is no longer necessary, that it be destroyed in a way that protects the interests of everyone involved. You don’t have to be on the edge of industry to understand the importance secure document handling. In the retail sector, employee records, purchase orders, and sales reports hold valuable details that are vulnerable to misuse. Residential communities gather highly personal information in processing rental applications and leases. Over time, cases of old files accumulate and take up valuable storage space. Using a secure document shredding service to clear away your old records protects personal information from theft, and keeps financial details private.
At Corrigan Record Storage, we offer convenient, secure plant-based document shredding services. Dispose of your old physical files, electronic backup and storage media or old hard drives in our locked bins, and we handle the rest. Your locked bin will be transported to our monitored facility where it will be shredded in compliance with the highest industry standards. Bins are available in multiple sizes to fit your needs. We offer flexible bin rotation scheduling and one-time shred packages to best serve you. Our commitment to quality extends to our environment. To engage in and promote good environmental stewardship, we recycle destroyed hard drives and shredded material wherever possible. Let us be your partner in secure, professional document management.
Corrigan Record Storage is proud to offer exceptionally secure shredding services to businesses and professionals in Westland, MI, who are looking for reliable and affordable information management services.
Corrigan Record Storage has 25 years of experience in maintaining, storing and shredding of company documents. We are an environmentally conscience company and recycle all shredded material. We are happy to pick up your documents at your location and can offer plans that keep up with you growing business needs. We understand confidentiality is critical, and we have comprehensive security infrastructure, certifications and procedures in place to ensure that every file that enters our facilities is protected. Corrigan Record Storage is fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) and is a founding partner in the National Records Centers, allowing us to grow with your needs while continuing to exceed your expectations. Click here to verify our certification.

If you are in the Metro Detroit area and looking for secure shredding services in Westland MI, then please call 248.344.9185

We are fully certified by the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID)
As AAA certified member of the National Association for Information Destruction (NAID), our facility undergoes several unscheduled inspections each year, ensuring compliance throughout the life of your documents. provide destruction certificates to every customer.

We Offer Secure Solutions For Your Document Shredding and Records Management Needs.